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Our Resident Camel Albert Featured in EBaum’s World

Everyone knows about rats and their love of kitchens — Remy the ratatouille immediately comes to mind — as well as raccoons, who don’t just love kitchens but the garbage they produce, too. But have you ever, in your wildest dreams, imagined a camel breaking into your kitchen? If no, you should try and have more interesting dreams. If yes, your dreams have now been realized.


Richard Murad featured in Ojai Hub

What do you get when you mix mountains, sustainability, and baseball? If you’re Richard Murad, you hope the answer lies in Rose Valley.

The owner of Beach City Baseball Academy has searched for years for the right property to expand his organization. Based in El Segundo since 2011, Murad and his Beach City staff offer kids ages 9 to 18 the chance to perfect their baseball skills through a school as well as with clinics, camps, and several competitive traveling teams.


Rancho Grande featured in VC Reporter

Ojai student Kali Smith has become the first recipient of Rancho Grande’s Rancho Grande Scholarship Fund on Behalf of Animals for her essay on animal welfare.


Rancho Grande is available for Movie set rental work

Inquire at [email protected] for any information about using the ranch for your commercial movie, video or photography needs.

Here is one movie made at Rancho Grande:

Girl Meets Boy (2013) – IMDb

Crystal Green is accused of stealing a riff from the song “Pat Brown” by the Vandals. The song “Pat Brown” is played by The Vandals in the 1983 movie “Suburbia” directed by Penelope Spheeris. See what the IMDb editors are excited to watch in October, check out our guide to Fall TV, video games, and …

Rancho Grande Featured in Ojai Magazine

What do you get when you mix mountains, sustainability, and baseball?
If you’re Richard Murad, you hope the
answer lies in Rose Valley.